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Want to throw a themed party at the Worldcon? Here's your chance
发布时间:2023-06-28 11:37来源:科幻协会


We can have a Wandering Earth space party and go into the “Star Tunnel” to start our cosmic odyssey.

And gather in a Star Trek-themed room to drinking Earl Regg tea and make new friends with like-minded people.

Or, like Doctor Who, drink and swap photos with Marco Polo while traveling through time, and the TARDIS is an endless source of ice...


Recently, many sci-fi fans have consulted the Organizing Committee about how to play and participate in the theme parties at the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon.

Spoiler alert. The themed parties will be held at the Sheraton Hotel across the lake from the convention's main venue. From October 18th to 20th, every evening from 20:00 to midnight, sci-fi fans can not only attend different types of themed parties free of charge but also have the opportunity to apply for and hold their own "exclusive" themed parties.

According to the convention of the Worldcon, the themed parties are planned, prepared, organized, and participated by the members themselves. The Organizing Committee provides the venue, electricity, tables and chairs, and other basic equipment free of charge.

A total of 18 themed parties are planned for this convention. Starting today, the Organizing Committee officially opens the application channel for the themed parties at the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, welcoming submissions from all around the world. Members with ideas and creativity who want to host a party can submit your applications by filling out and submitting the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Themed Party Application Form (attached at the end of this message) to

The solicitation will continue until the end of September, and there is no limit to the number of party proposals that each member can submit. During the period, the Organizing Committee will review the submissions from members in the order they are received. Once approved, the committee will assign dedicated personnel to contact with the applicants.

The venue is ready, and all we need is your idea. With limited parties available, don’t hesitate to fill out the form and join us!

Attachment: 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Themed Party Application Form
