Code of Conduct
The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon (which we will refer to as “the convention”) focuses on values-creative, open, inclusive and welcoming. They remind us of what the Chengdu Worldcon operates for. Our Code of Conduct guides us to put our values and commitments into practice. It helps us navigate through areas and situations where responsible conduct is critically important. All behaviors must strictly comply with the relevant local laws and regulations and respect the cultural traditions and customs of the country where the host city is located.
Our Code of Conduct is binding for all attendees, both in-person and virtual, of the convention, including members, guests, staff and volunteers. All are obligated to live up to the expectations and commitments set forth in it. The convention is committed to providing a friendly and welcoming environment for all regardless of background, fandom, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or any other differentiation.
The convention is a multi-cultural event with people coming from all over the world. Cross-cultural misunderstanding can and does occur. Consider whether your joke or interaction could be misconstrued by someone who does not share your cultural context.
Our Code of Conduct cannot cover in detail the wide variety of situations we may encounter. The convention expects that every individual or group involved in the event understand policies and procedures even when our Code of Conduct provides no direct guidance. Those involved in any incident are expected to show friendliness, integrity and common sense. When in doubt or feel unsure, feel free to speak up. It is always easier to ask first rather than inadvertently harming, offending, or hurting someone.
The convention believes that a vigorous debate over ideas, as a method of seeking truth, is permitted within this Code of Conduct. However, using debate as a method of harassment is a violation, and will be treated as such. Attacking other persons at the convention, or within the SF community, is a violation of the Code of Conduct; ideas may be attacked, but not people. Recognize the relationships between words and actions and their effect on our community and the order of the convention. Sharing spaces requires active demonstrations of respectful conduct, such as:
1.Participating authentically and actively which contributes to the health and longevity of this community.
2.Exercise consideration when talking, taking care not to talk over others and using a moderate vocal volume. This can be especially important in an online situation.
3.Be mindful of other nearby attendees. Make sure you leave other people a clear path to an exit and limit the expansiveness of gestures.
4.Ask verbally or with a friendly gesture before initiating physical contact, and avoid proceeding without a positive verbal or physical response.
5.Maintain consent by observing non-verbal and verbal clues that the other party may wish to end the interaction. If you aren’t sure, ask.
6.Attempt collaboration before conflict, and try to resolve disagreements constructively. Being unable to understand someone’s viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong.
Please inform the convention if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential. Also, please inform us if you notice someone who is making an extra effort to ensure our community is welcoming and friendly to all. We want to know.
Sci-fi culture is a world language. We are committed to making Chengdu Worldcon accessible to fans and professionals from all backgrounds. So positive action is essential to counteract the inequalities that exist in today’s society.The following acts will be considered in violation of this Code of Conduct, including:
The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon is dedicated to working towards a non-discrimination, oppression-free event. Discrimination is often expressed through prejudice, bias, the expression of privilege, aggression, and micro-aggression.
Discrimination (based on but not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, physical appearance, body size, or physical/mental disability) will not be tolerated. Racism and politicization are where discrimination prevails.
Any acts of aggression, contempt, indifference or offensive words and abusive behavior are unacceptable, such as judging people of color as less knowledgeable about fannish topics, or provoking unrelated political topics to attack people of different beliefs
Assault and harassment are both grounds for removal. Assault is any unwanted or threatening physical contact, and harassment is any unwanted or threatening presence or verbal or written expression as well as words or actions in the surrounding environment that others do not want to see or hear.
Harassment can include offensive comments related to appearance or personal identifiers, deliberate intimidation, following, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Behavior that will be considered harassment includes, but is not limited to:
1.Verbal or physical assault
2.Intimidation, stalking, or following
3.Inappropriate physical contact
4.Deliberate misgendering /deadnaming of people or continued misgendering / deadnaming after being corrected
5.Comments that belittle or demean others
6.Non-consensual behavior towards another member, volunteer, or attendee
7.Disruption of events
8. Political or religious propaganda,racially biased, hate group iconography, or other offensive images in public spaces
9.Costumes/Cosplay that are historically or otherwise offensive, including bigoted iconography or symbolism
10.Disruptive acts such as unauthorized processions, demonstrations, sit-ins, etc.
11.Any acts or language that insults or provokes others
12.Any acts or language that do not respect the traditional culture and customs of the host region
13.Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviors.
We require attendees to follow the Code of Conduct in online interactions with the convention (including the volunteer mailings, wiki, and other online facilities), at all convention venues and convention-related social activities. Attendees who are asked to stop any harassing behavior must comply immediately.
If you feel that you are being discriminated against or harassed, or if you see someone else behaving inappropriately, please let us know.
Before the convention: You can report harassment or other Code of Conduct violations by email to: This address will be continuously monitored by our Incident Response Team both prior to, and for the duration of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon. The Incident Response Team is comprised of personnel appointed by the Chair that are trained in investigating and responding to code of conduct reports
At the convention: If someone is harassing you in any way, or if you are witnessing that harassment is taking place, please ask that person or persons to stop–as long as it is safe to do so and if you feel comfortable enough to make the request. Alternatively you could report the issue as soon as possible to one of our volunteers or by email to
When providing a report, details such as name, badge name/number, and a physical description will be helpful but not required.
Once a report has been made, our team will respond to you as quickly as possible, and proceed at their discretion, based on the content, context and wishes expressed in your email. A violation of this Code of Conduct may result in the removal of a person’s right to attend, both physically and virtually. In the event of a removal, there may be no refund of the price of participating.Acts in violation of laws and regulations shall be dealt with by law enforcement departments
Our team will keep private the identities of persons involved as much as possible, restricting identifying information to those parties with a need to know that information in order to perform their duties. We will provide escorts or otherwise assist members with actions that will help them feel safe for the duration of the convention after a report is made or even if a report is not filed.
Wear your badge where it can be seen at all times in convention space. This convention is a membership-only event, and your badge is your access admissions to the corresponding convention areas and activities. Badges may not be shared under any circumstances; a badge is valid only for the person to whom it was issued.
Please post signs only in designated areas . Use removable painters tape only. Do not affix anything to the walls of the hotel, to the elevators, or to any item that is hotel property, or to convention signs. Any signs found unrelated to the convention or posted inappropriately will be removed and destroyed.
The convention reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted notice and the right of interpretation. These rules and policies are not all-inclusive, and examples are included for illustrative purposes. Each infraction will be judged individually on its own merits.
The convention is prepared to deal with any issues related to this code in as rapid and efficient a manner as possible while maintaining a trauma-informed response approach.
The following items will be confiscated and the holder will be punished in accordance with laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China:
1. Firearms, ammunition and explosives;
2. Controlled apparatus such as crossbows, daggers and replica guns;
3. Inflammables and explosives such as fireworks and firecrackers, gasoline and ethanol ;
4. Highly toxic and corrosive hazardous chemicals and radioactive substances;
5. Hazardous substances such as hazardous biologicals and pathogens of infectious diseases;
6. All types of narcotic drugs such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine;
7.Other items explicitly prohibited by laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
List of Restricted Items
The following items will be required to be discarded in a container placed near security checkpoints or disposed of by the holder:
1.Igniters such as lighters and matches;
2.Fragile items and Glass containers of all kinds such as glass cup/bottle,ice box,nursing bottle and the like;
3.BYO food and all kinds of packaged drinks ;Alcoholic beverages;
4.Items promoted and sold by non-official sponsors and non-partner companies for commercial purposes;
5.Banners and slogans bearing statements related to politics, race, religion and commerce, or violating the laws of China, and any item or clothing for publicity;
6.Vehicles (except for baby carriage,wheelchairs, mobility-aids and other vehicles permitted by the Organizer), including motor scooters, bicycles,mini-motorbike,balance car,scooters,roller skates and other vehicles;
7.Animals (excluding service animals such as guide dogs and sniffer dogs for drug and bomb detection);
8.Musical instruments,including but not limited to whistles, horns, drums and the like;
9.Clubs, long sticks,sharp objects and other articles that are easy to cause personal injury,including but not limited to long handle umbrella, umbrella with a pointed end and the like(excluding crutches used by the disabled);
10.Bows, balls, rackets, clubs, sticks, frisbees and other similar items;
11.Bags or suitcases exceeding the dimensions of 50cm x 50cm x 50cm (as restricted by the size of the security gate)
12.Flags and banners with an unfolded area larger than 2m x 1m that have neither declared to the Organizing Committee of the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention in advance nor undergone an on-site security check.
13.Electronic signal,cluster signal that may affect the activities,unauthorized items that would hinder others from visiting, including but not limited to laser pointers,radio,whistles, horns, remote control toys and amplifiers;
14.Manned balloons, drones, aviation models, unmanned free balloons, tethered balloons, powered parachutes and other aircraft that fly at low or ultra-low altitude at a slow speed and not easy to be detected by radar, and airborne objects and their flight control, paddles and other important parts;airborne objects such as kites,sky lanterns and the like;
15.Unauthorized radio electronic devices and other items that interfere with broadcast signals;
16.Other items explicitly prohibited by laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and anything the organizer determines to be disruptive or dangerous to the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon or facilities;
1.The following items are not included in the List of Prohibited or Restricted Items:
Wheelchairs, crutches, walking frames, blind poles, artificial limbs, orthotics and other necessary mobility-aids for disabled persons; a small amount of first-aid drugs and necessary medical instruments carried by the participants;the necessary wheelchair maintenance tools carried by the wheelchair-bound disabled persons.
2.If the above prohibited or restricted items are necessary for the activities,they could be brought in under the condition of safety and with approval from the organizer and the security department in advance.